Galleries | Victory Garden Nursery

Above: Hey, check it out: mulch! No chemicals or dyes, just pure recycled plant product, sustainably harvested from local sources.
Above: Victory Mulch is the perfect ground cover, providing a great walking surface while preventing soil erosion. And the chickens love it.
Above: Victory Garden Nursery stocks a variety of trees such as this fragrant mulberry. Stop by today and taste before you buy.
Above: Stonefruit trees like this peach make showy ornamentals in the spring, and in the summer yield delicious fruit. The best of both worlds.
Above: At Victory Garden Nursery, we believe in conservation and support many local causes, so it’s nice to see native species such as this bluebelly skink on the grounds.
Above: Get your Victory Garden milkweed and support the endangered pacific monarch. We specialize in many native butterfly host plants.
Above: Legend has it that Johnny Appleseed himself did not plant these apples, nonetheless, we have some great varieties and Victory staff are always on hand to assist with planting.
Above: What are you lookin’ at?
Above: Victory Garden Nursery. Place a delivery order now, or bring your own truck down to the lot and a friendly representative will load it up for free.

Theron Winsby


Licensed Contractor
