
Commercial | Residential

Pruning - Tree trimming, thinning, lacing, crown reduction, for healthy, safe, beautiful trees. Selective removal of woody plant parts of any size, using saws, pruners, clippers, or other pruning tools. Topping is not recommended.

Planting - Proper tree installation is landscape insurance and vital to tree health! Moving and transplanting big trees takes experience.

Preservation - Plant and tree health is more than some fertilizer and tree spraying. Preserving specimen trees takes time and experience. Organic fertilizer will benefit landscapes and preserve trees, waterways, and budgets.

Consulting - Consult a professional arborist with valuable advice on installing a tree or landscape. Let a tree expert diagnose tree disease, plant pests, and tree problems properly. Tree hazards can be prevented. A tree and landscape consultation saves time and money.

Tree Inventory and Mapping - We provide our clients with a comprehensive GPS Tree Inventory and a state of the art tree inventory software program to assist tree clients in the efficient management of our Urban Forest. The program utilizes the latest in GIS (Geographic Information System) technology which allows our client to see a virtual representation of any tree in the Urban Forest.

Diagnostic Analysis - Pro Trees Arborists excel in analyzing and identifying tree health care issues. Our local arborists in Encinitas continue to remain educated with ongoing arborist training on the latest problems and treatment techniques. We take plant and soil health seriously on a microbiological level. Treatment of a common insect infestation, a soil deficiency, or tree disease can be appropriately identified and addressed.

Tree Preservation Plans are the most important key to a tree’s survival in a construction area. Our proactive approach to tree care will help prevent future tree problems.

Integrated Pest Management is a concept that involves much more than sprays and poisons.

Commercial and H.O.A. budgeted tree care programs.

Tree Maintenance per season.

Tree Health

Tree Health | Tree Removal

Above: Before-and-after treatment of a diseased oak tree over 4 years.

TREE BIOLOGY - Knowing how a tree or plant functions and grows is an important part of diagnosis and treatment.

DIAGNOSIS - Proper diagnosis of plant problems is a key factor in plant or tree health management. A bug or insect is usually not the main issue with sick trees. We need to know exactly what we are dealing with and make sure we invest our time wisely. Most distressed trees will have several factors that could be affecting their health. These factors contribute to the spriral of decline in trees. Diagnosing and knowing why a tree or plant has symptoms is a very important step to solving tree problems.

QUESTIONS - Many questions should be asked while diagnosing plants:

• Structuraly sound?
• Is the tree safe?
• Worth investing time in?
• What is the significance of the problem?

TREATMENT - Fertilizing is not always the best idea when dealing with a distressed tree. Getting to the “root” of the problem is very important. Many treatment options are available. Let the team at Pro Trees help you find out if and what your tree might need.

PREVENTION - Prevention is very important for future tree health. Plant and tree health is more than some fertilizer or tree spraying. Preserving specimen trees, takes time and experience.

Above: Before-and-after treatment of an Aleppo pine.

TREE DEFECTS AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR - A true arborist will look for these “twin trunk” situations when pruning or assessing a tree—co-dominant stems (or co-dominant leaders) is the technical term. These twin-trunked trees are often hazardous and require prompt attention. Here is a list of reasons to look at co-dominant stems:

    Narrow branch angles are weak - Well-formed branches feature several layers of overlapping wood at their junction point. The trunk produces some of this wood, while the branch produces the rest; the result is a very strong point of attachment. But because co-dominant stems are not proper branches, they lack the overlapping layers, and therefore the strength of proper branch junctions.

    Co-dominant stems often show included bark - As the two stems grow wider, some of this bark becomes trapped inside the junction. The extra bark compromises the integrity of the joint, increasing the chances of failure.

    Co-dominant stems lack branch protection zones - Because co-dominant stems lack these zones and proper structure, diseases can travel down the stem and infect the rest of the tree. Unfortunately, this also makes the removal of one stem problematic.

    Defective structure. When co-dominant stems form, they both act like the tree’s central leader. The pressure created between the two stems can cause failure as they expand. Also, because both stems are trying to produce a full canopy, the branches and foliage become overcrowded.

In many cases, removal is the best course of action for trees with co-dominant stems, but some co-dominant trees are stable and healthy enough to leave as they are. In some cases, strategic pruning with a plan can slowly correct the problem and help mitigate the safety issue. Co-dominant stems are a common problem in trees that have been topped. Here in Encinitas and San Diego County, coral trees are known for getting topped and then producing “twin trunks”. Bad tree trimming can create a vicious cycle of profuse, hazardous, co-dominant problem trees.

Tree Removal

Tree removal may be necessary for hazardous situations—big eucalyptus trees over power lines! We use the latest in rigging and techniques. Trained for any situation. Full insurance and workers compensation for everyone's protection.

Above: Eucalyptus removal in Leucadia, co-dominant stone pine removal in Olivenhain, eucalyptus removal in La Costa, fan palm removal in Encinitas.

Theron Winsby


Licensed Contractor
